Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Strength And Weakness Of The Case - 1524 Words
Question 2 2.0 STRENGTH AND WEAKNESS OF THE CASE. As noted in the above section, the defendant was obliged to take reasonable care for the health and safety of its employees in the workplace. In this case, the City council as the employer to the claimant owed this absolute duty to Mrs Preston. This duty is bestowed upon the employer by the employment contract (Holt, 2010) between the claimant Mrs Preston and the defendant, Fentham Metropolitan District Council. It is evident that the defendant failed to comply with statutory provisions and thus constitute a breach, and was negligent according to common law on his duty to care for his employee. In this regard, the claimant can sue for damages basing her case on the tort of negligence and breach of statutory duty (double barrel action) that resulted in injury. 2.1 Discussions For a civil claim to be successful in the court of law, the claimant must prove her case. In pursuing a claim for the tort of negligence, the following should be proven by the claimant. 2.1.1There was a duty owed to the claimant by the defendant. The contract of employment establishes the element of proximity between the two parties, and as this arises a legal obligation to the employer to ensure as far as reasonably practicable to safeguard the health and safety of their employee by the provision of a safe working place as stipulated in Section 2 of HASAWA 1974 and MHSWR 1999. The city council owed a duty to provide a safe working place to theShow MoreRelatedJft2 Task 21452 Words  | 6 Pagesprovided in the case study. A1. Utah Symphony Strengths and Weaknesses When picking out the strengths and weaknesses of symphony there isn ¿t a list to which you can refer. Rather, you will want to read the case study carefully and to use your insight to discover indications of strengths and weaknesses in the data provided in the case. 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IRead MoreStrengths and Weaknesses898 Words  | 4 PagesThe objective of this paper is to show you the personal strengths and weakness that I identified by asking friends and family their opinion on the topic regarding yours truly, and by examining myself for areas that I am really good at (also known as strengths) and areas I need to improve (otherwise known as weaknesses). After I have identified them, I will tell you how recognizing my strengths and weakness can help me to improve myself to achieve a more peaceful and satisfying personal life. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Making A Pro Recycle Policy On Shredding Documents
When purchasing paper, the University of Oklahoma should switch to paper that has 75% or more recycled contents as part of a larger effort to make the campus greener and more sustainable. Creating a pro-recycle policy on shredding documents is a great way to start reducing our paper usage. When paper is shredded it destroys the fibers within the paper, this makes it difficult to recycle and manufacture new printer paper with the shredded fibers. The reason being is that shredded paper cuts the fibers shorter, which makes them weaker, and renders them inefficient for the higher grades of paper. â€Å"The longer the paper fiber, the higher the grade of paper it can manufacture. Also, the longer the fiber, the more often it can be recycled.†Shredded paper is hardly ever accepted by higher grade paper mills that is why it is important to not shred them. If the papers are shredded the Paper Mills are less likely to buy them. The University of Oklahoma has the opportunity make top dollar on their recycled paper. Ultimately, they can market and sell their recovered office paper. In return, OU can use those earnings to either build onto their recycling program or purchase environmentally sound materials. The University of Oklahoma can also make the most of it by using the earnings to support a sustainable campus. OU’s staff and students need to be strategic about where their recovered paper ends up. If OU makes sure the waste hauler they use is selling the paper to a paper broker or aShow MoreRelatedProject Mgmt296381 Words  | 1186 PagesDominion University; Muhammad Obeidat, Southern Polytechnic State University; Linda Rose, Westwood College; Oya Tukel, Cleveland State University; and Mahmoud Watad, William Paterson University. We thank you for your many thoughtful suggestions and for making our book better. Of course we accept responsibility for the final version of the text. In addition, we w ould like to thank our colleagues in the College of Business at Oregon State University for their support and help in completing this project.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Faith Hill - Breathe free essay sample
Speaking from a hip-hop and rap fan point of view,country music never hit my sweet tooth until I listened to Faith Hills fourthand latest album, Breathe. With just the right amount of countryflair and catchy beats, Hill proves she is a successful artist. Breathe has excellent variety, from romantic love songs(Breathe, Lets Make Love, If Im Not inLove) to carefree tunes (Whats In It For Me? The Way YouLove Me, Bringing Out the Elvis). All the songs were producedby Hill. Each has individual appeal, which makes the CD fun to listen to over andover. Hills tasteful songs are understandable and listeners can easily relate tothem. A wide variety of sounds are present, straying from the traditionalcountry twang. You will hear soothing piano and string variations in If ImNot in Love and a riffing guitar in Bringing Out the Elvis.Hills voice is like a breath of fresh air after an era of whining, screamingMariah Careys and Whitney Houstons. We will write a custom essay sample on Faith Hill Breathe or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Faith Hills Breathe hasopened the door to country music for me. Breathe received manynominations for the Country Music Awards, and though it hasnt been recognizedwith a great number of awards, I still give Faith Hill a standing ovation.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Great Gastby Essays - The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Great Gastby The Great Gastby F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby" is rich in symbolism, which is portrayed on several different levels in a variety of ways. One of the most important qualities of symbolism within this novel, is the way in which it is so fully integrated into the plot and structure. Some of the symbols are used mostly as tools for characterization such as Wolfsheim's cuff links, Gatsby's huge library of uncut books, and Tom's repeated gesture of physically pushing other people around. Other symbols such as Gatsby's car, symbolizing material wealth in America and its destructfulness, have a function in the plot as well as a more abstract significance. However, the major symbols such as the valley of ashes, the green light, and the east and west, are filled with meanings that go beyond the plot, and truly capture Fitzgerald's theme of this novel; the corruption of the American dream. The corruptive effect of wealth is shown by the conflict between the established rich, represented by the East Eggers, and the newly rich, represented by the West Eggers. West Egg is the home of the nouveaux riche, of Gatsby and those like him who have made huge fortunes, but lack the traditions associated with inherited wealth and are therefore vulgar. The East Eggers, represented by the Buchanans have the traditions and lack vulgarity, but they have been corrupted by the purposelessness and the empty futures their money has provided. The downfall of the American promise is also symbolized by the reversal of east and west. When the settlers came to the "New World" (America) to escape persecution and the corruption of their countries, they traveled from east to west. However, since the ideal has been corrupted, people travel from west to east attracted by the wealth and a materialistic life, masking the true emptiness of their goal of happiness. Daisy, Tom, Nick, Jordan, and Gatsby all were westerners, and by moving east, they moved from a world of values to a moral vacuum, represented by the "valley of ashes." The valley of ashes represent a modern world, which is like a grotesque hell created by modern industry. Factories and trains, produced in the manufacture of wealth, has polluted America with its wastes. It is a physical desert that symbolizes the spiritual desolation, that a society based on money creates. Overlooking the valley, are the sightless eyes of T.J. Ecklburg, an advertisement on a billboard in which a character actually confuses as God. It represents a God who has been created by modern society to make money. It represents a God who no longer sees nor cares. The whole valley symbolizes a world whose inhabitants are so spiritually lost, that they worship money and wealth. The promise of happiness, hope, and freedom that America gave its first settlers, has been corrupted by the lies of greed, and the emptiness of a dream based on wealth. Green is the color of promise,of hope, renewal, and ultimately the green light to which Gatsby stretches out his arms. The green light symbolically corresponds to the "green breast of a new world," and at the end fuses Gatsby's vision of Daisy with that of the explorers who had discovered the promise of a new continent. What ultimately preys on the vision, the goal, is that in America and by Gatsby it can only be attained through the acquisition of material possessions. Gatsby is a symbol for the whole American experience. The corruption of his dream, by using materialism as its means and the illusion of youth and beauty as its goal, is the corruption of American idealism, which in turn becomes the empty promise. In the end Gatsby is destroyed by his illusions of Daisy, just as the fresh landscape of America has been converted into a depressing "valley of ashes," and the sacred green light becomes nothing but a bulb burning at the end of Daisy's dock.
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