Thursday, January 2, 2020

Truman Capote Hard Times Make Good Stories - 1780 Words

Truman Capote: Hard Times Make Good Stories Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor (BrainyQuote.) The great deal of hardships in my life led me to be successful. I dealt with abandonment for much of my life. I failed at many thing in my life but writing was not one of them. I became famous after I failed many times. I am one of the most famous and controversial figures in contemporary American literature (DIScovering authors.) My non-fiction books, journals, and characters were greatly influenced by my lack of love as a child. I was born September 30th 1934, in New Orleans, Louisiana. My full name wad Truman Streckfus Persons. My mother was Lillie Mae, she was a small town girl. She fell in love with my father, and†¦show more content†¦One of us would make up the story while the other one typed. We formed a life long friendship. ( Editors.) My teenage years you could say were a little bit better. My parents got divorced, and they fought over cust ody of me. This is the only time they seemed to care about me. My mother won me. She remarried Joe Capote, and he became my new dad. My name was now Truman Capote. My mother still seemed to hate me, she blamed me for not being a normal boy. How could I fail at something so easy as being a boy? Some days she loved me and others she hated me. I was going to a private school for boys in Manhattan. I made some friends. I enjoyed telling them stories and making everyone laugh. My mother forced me to go to a military school to be more manly. That turned out poorly and I returned home. I make some close friends at my new school, we liked to hang out and party. This was the best part of my life. I felt like I was a part of something for once. I was finally excepted into a group of people. This was my lifestyle, I continued to party into adulthood. ( Editors.) My writing career started with Harper in the treehouse ( Editors.) I became a copy boy for the New Yorker m agazine ( Editors.) I tried to write things for it, but it was never good enough for them. So I quit, and started my first book Summer Crossing ( Editors.) I wrote many other books

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